We Serve the Divine through Nature Preservation

We as a community we are dedicated to seeing the Divine in all of nature. We do not see ourselves as separate from Her web of life. Part of our devotion is expressed through protecting the sacred waters that run through this land. You can hear the rushing waters of the Croton River right from our sanctuary, which flows into the Muhheakantuck: a Lenape word meaning “the river that flows both ways”, (presently known as the Hudson River). Currently, we are involved in the fight against the Danskammer Power Plant that will drastically pollute not only the waters edge, but air quality from fracking.

Indigenous Seed Keeper’s Network


Our greatest wish is to transform the 5 acres of Temple Grounds into a Native Plant Sanctuary through ceremonial gardens, permaculture, and companion planting, for the overall health and well-being of all of the creatures who reside here. We have already begun the re-matriation project of planting ONLY native plants on the land, and filling the gardens with Native American Varieties of Corn, Beans, Squash, and Sunflowers.

This very special project is being conducted at the Farm Hub in partnership with the Akwesasne Mohawk Tribe of Northern New York and with the support of Seedshed. We encourage you to learn more about these important efforts and support the local seed sovereignty projects in your area!

We also greatly appreciate and support the work of the Indigenous Seedkeepers Network, who's mission is to nourish and assist the growing Seed Sovereignty Movement across Turtle Island ( North America). As a national network, we leverage resources and cultivate solidarity and communication within the matrix of regional grass-roots tribal seed sovereignty projects.

Sacred Beekeeping

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A significant portion of the proceeds raised each year also go towards maintaining the our Apiary, where we practice Sacred Beekeeping. The bees are so integral to the health of our planet and peoples, and we are grateful to get to tend to them each year. As we take care of them, they take care of us.

Join the

Gain access to members-only ceremonies, divinations, and events each month. Your monthly donations help our efforts of land preservation, Temple upkeep, and scholarship funding for our educational programs.

Make a

We rely on donations to support our efforts of land preservation, eco-activism, and community care. Thank you for supporting our mission of helping to bring humanity back into right-relationship with Mother Earth.